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Top Questions Our Locksmiths Get Asked

Top Questions Our Locksmiths Get Asked

Wondering what services a locksmith can offer? What fees you can expect? What they can help with?

This guide will help give you answers to some common questions you might be wondering.

“Do You Need A Locksmith To Change Your Locks?”

You might be tempted to attempt DIY lock changing, but our locksmiths would advise against this! It is always a risk to do something you are not trained to do. A failed attempt could backfire in the long run, resulting in costly repairs or in worse cases, even invalidating your insurance. To avoid this happening, it’s wise to call a professional locksmith. 

“How Do I Know I Can Trust The Locksmith Company?”

A reputable and reliable locksmith company will have a qualification/accreditation in locksmithing. They should also have public liability insurance and should be able to prove both of these things to you should you request it. 

“How Does The Locksmith Know I Own My Home?”

A locksmith can, and should, ask for proof that you own your home before they let you into the property. A valid driving license or recent utility bill should do the trick. If you are unable to prove you own the home they may refuse to offer their services. 

“What About If If Have The Keys?”

Having a set of keys is not proper proof that you own the property, it also doesn’t prove that you have permission to get the locks changed. Even if you have the keys, you still need to prove you own the home.

“Can Locksmiths Help Me Enter My Home Without Changing The Locks?”

Most decent locksmiths will be able to help you gain access to your home, without having to replace the locks. A lot of locks can be bypassed with picking/non-destructive entry techniques. In some rare cases, it might be necessary to replace the lock, but this will depend on the circumstances. 

“How Quickly Can Locksmiths Come?”

Emergency locksmiths will make an effort to get to you as soon as possible. Some may charge an emergency call-out fee, others might not. Most emergency locksmiths also offer 24/7 services, so you won’t have to be locked out overnight. 

Want To Find Out More?

To find out more about the range of services our locksmiths offer, just get in touch.

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