Locksmiths can use key codes to create new keys or to repair/replace locks.
The key codes are essential to locksmiths, as they help locksmiths perform a wide range of services. Understanding more about keycodes can help you learn more about the services a locksmith can offer.
Key codes are made up of letters and numbers each of which represent unique characteristics of the lock. These letters and numbers can be used by locksmiths to cut keys to code, meaning they can cut keys that match that exact lock.
Locksmiths enter the unique combination of letters and numbers into specialist software, and the software processes the code to create new keys.
There are different types of code and it is important to be aware of both.
Direct key codes: These include numbers that directly correlate to lock measurements and cutting patterns. This means the locksmith can cut the key using the combination of letters/numbers only.
Blind key codes: These use a combo of numbers and letters to represent the lock specs. To use a blind key code the locksmith must enter the code from the key into specialist software. In order to be able to cut the key, the lock code must have been published by the manufacturer. If it has not been published, the locksmith won’t be able to cut a new key using the info on the key alone.
Locksmiths are trained to cut keys to code. If you have a spare key that you would like a copy of, our locksmiths can use the unique code on the key to cut a new key to the code. Whether you’ve lost the keys to your filing cabinet, or you need a new bunch for a new member of staff at work, we can cut keys to code.
From office furniture to roof boxes, lockers and more, we can cut keys to code from simply a picture. Just send us a snap of the code on the lock face and we can cut as many keys to code as you require.
If you want to find out more about our services cutting keys to code, just get in touch.
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